
Martin Preschool

About the Martin Preschool

The Martin Preschool believes in the philosophy of holistic education. 

Holistic education in the early learning program is the idea that children develop and learn as whole persons. Therefore, their education is open-ended and allows for opportunities to explore their environment and learn in a variety of ways.  The developmental domains that encourage this type of learning are physical, social-emotional, language and communication and intellectual and cognitive.

Our Learning Objectives

The first developmental domain is physical development. Physical development includes both fine and gross motor skills, hand eye coordination and balance. Examples of ways these skills will be incorporated into the preschool program include yoga movement and balances, dancing, games and obstacle courses in the gym, work with scarves, beanbags and balls, craft activities and scissor work to name a few. 

The next domain is social-emotional development. Social-emotional development includes the ability to express feelings and emotions, self control, self-confidence, problem-solving and social relationships. Examples of ways these skills will be incorporated into the program include friendship time and invitations to play with peers, mindfulness, circle time, story time, puppet play and partner games, as well as movement through various center activities. 

The third developmental domain  is language and communication skills. This area includes literacy skills, communicating with others in a variety of ways, vocabulary as well as written language skills. Examples of ways these skills will be incorporated into the preschool program include reading aloud, sharing time, reading with a friend, early writing skills, songs, poems and finger-plays. 

The last developmental domain is intellectual and cognitive skills. This domain includes critical thinking, the ability to self regulate, mathematical literacy, improved attention span as well as focussing on tasks. Examples of ways we will work on these skills in the preschool classroom include listening and responding to stories, building with blocks and other manipulatives, make-believe and dress-up play, puzzle and shape toys.

Our Program

Martin Preschool is structured for students ages 2.75-5.ย  Our program runs Monday and Wednesdays or Tuesday and Thursdays.ย  Classes are from 9:30-12:00.ย  Monthly fees are $200.ย  Classes run Sept-June following the Regina Public School Calendar.

*Please note that all students must be potty trained prior to the start of class

Registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens soon!