Studio ’53 Adult Classes

About Studio’53 Adult Classes

Age is just a number, right?! Learn to dance, or keep yourself active no matter your age or experience level. Our highly trained, certified teachers will motivate you and keep you learning.
Classes will be added based on demand

Adult Dance Classes

This is the perfect class for those wanting to refresh or learn Ballet and move in a classical style. This class allows you to immerse yourself in the world of Ballet, and will have you moving and sweating.

Classes are 45 minutes in length.

This is the perfect class for those wanting to learn or refresh Baton skills.  This is a great class to keep you moving, learning and trying something new!

Classes are 45 minutes in length.

Want to impress your friends on karaoke night? Improve your tune for those long drives? We have you covered!

Classes are 45 minutes in length.

Beginner – Beginner Tap offers our adult students a chance to try tap steps and rhythms for the first time. This is a great introductory class into the world of Tap and will have you moving and sweating. (0-2 years experience)

Experienced – This is the perfect class for those wanting to refresh their Tap and keep moving. Tap steps and rhythms will be taught at a faster pace and slightly higher level from the Beginner Tap class. This is a great continuation class in the world of Tap. (3+ years experience)

Classes are 45 minutes in length.

Fee Structure

Class Prices – $54/month (classes can be added or removed any month, please give us one week notice)

Punch passes can be purchased through our app!! Download the Martin School of Dance & Baton app today